In Australia, the number of Australian Public Service (APS) government departments and agencies reporting critical skills shortages is increasing. The top two skills shortages were in the more obvious ...
13 September 2024 | The 22nd edition of The Apolitical View by Apolitical CEO and Co-Founder Robyn Scott. Subcribe to the newsletter The slow work of building skills and capability Apolitical in ...
Le lent travail de développement des compétences et des capacités Apolitique en Amérique Fin de carrière difficile pour une baleine espionne Jusqu’à récemment, j’habitais tout près de la tour Grenfell ...
Evidence on delivery units suggests they tend to focus on pulling control ‘up’ to the centre and managing for compliance. As ...
Technology experts expand on the opportunity of integrating artificial intelligence in government to service delivery through ...
The Abu Dhabi Program for Effortless Customer Experience was validated through an initial pilot involving three major ...
There are all these leadership programs designed for increasing diversity but none of them include neuro-diversity as an asset to be optimized. In my opinion, we are losing out because of that.
"Si vis pacem, para bellum.” The Latin adage, "If you want peace, prepare for war." It is a concept developed as early as Plato's work, providing insight into the fact that conditions for peace are ...