The Satanic Temple is a group that campaigns against the encroachment of Christianity in American public life. Their schtick ...
The Economist’s forecast model suggests that the state—with its 19 electoral-college votes, the most of any swing state—is ...
L ast month the Taliban published a new consolidated code of religious laws. It has left Afghan women reeling, with many now ...
Flood warnings had been ringing out across Nigeria’s north-east for weeks. Schools in Maiduguri were closed for a fortnight ...
I n June 2023 the Supreme Court banned race-conscious admissions at American universities. Many supporters of the practice ...
Pay is at the centre of the latest dispute. Boeing offered its employees a 25% rise over four years; its workers are ...
Western Balkan arms-makers are booming. Serbian arms exports have quadrupled since 2020; some €800m ($890m)-worth of its ammo ...
Labour has entered office, as it did in 1997, with public services in a mostly dire state. Its prospects at the next election ...
The future of money, in other words, is attracting attention. What of its past? In a new paper, Adam Brzezinski of the London ...
Her feminism is “rooted in an awareness of how race and gender and class all affect my ability to be educated, receive ...
These efforts are about to be given a big boost. Recent breakthroughs in recycling, together with a spate of technological ...
As well as deploying police, China hosts Pacific officers for training and is showering cash-strapped forces with equipment.